On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 07:11 +0200, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> > On 7/2/06, Alain Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> Question - 2 :
> >>
> >> Is there a special Lazarus version for AMD64 ? Does it work on AMD64 ?
> > 
> > 
> > Please test! =) There is no pre-compiled binary for download, that´s
> > for sure, but this may be because there is no mainteiner. I think it
> > works. Well, it even works on win64!
> > 
> > If this does work, you could consider taking the Lazarus source RPM,
> > compile it and produce a amd64 rpm package, and send it back to be
> > included as a Lazarus download.
> > 
> There are no x86_64 rpms, because at first we didn't have access to a 
> x86_64 to build it. When I got (ssh-)access to one I started building 
> snapshots using fpc 2.1.1, see 
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/Lazarus_Snapshots_Downloads 
> for downloads. (Don't forget to read the disclaimer.)
> IMHO fpc 2.0.2 is not stable enough for lazarus on x86_64, so no 
> releases are made yet. I hope the upcoming fpc 2.0.4 will be good enough.
> Vincent.
> _______________________________________________
> fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
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Akain, Filipe, Vincent,
Thanks for your answers and advice.
At least it's reassuring that's not ignorance on my side that causes the
problems. With the limited use of the examples ( I only tested a few) it
seems that fpc 2.0.2-4.fc5 (is that a snapshot version? I can't find it
on the site) is working "out-of-the-(rpm)box" but that the IDE fails. Of
course you can write programs using some editor but from the earliest
(Borland) pascal on, the IDE was an invaluable tool. I would like to
know why it won't start in a 64-bit environment and if there is a source
that can be compiled separately and is compatible with fpc 2.0.2-4.fc5.
Filipe, I will try to compile a source but I assume I have to change the
makefile rather heavily to account for the different environment and the
different fpc version. Although being retired my time is limited (for
various reasons) so it may take a while.
You'll here from me.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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