Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
Hi Vincent,

Attached is my latest efforts on fpcUnit Test Reports using XSLT.
Before, I sent you two versions of the .xsl file.  One created a
report based on CSS only and the other one based on HTML Tables only.
I tested both against my results (around 900 tests) and the CSS
version was dog slow!!

I then created from scratch a .xsl file generating HTML Tables (small
ones) and uses a small CSS file to format (colors, fonts, etc) the
generated HTML.  The speed is *much* better.

Attached is a archive containing the CSS, XSL and sample results
files.  I also included a small script file ( which
inserts a single line into the xml results file, to specify  the xslt
stylesheet to use.

I like the result:

The reason for the script file, is because I didn't what to modify
fpcUnit to insert that line automaticaly, as I  like to generate
different formatted results from the original xml file and need to
insert different XSLT stylesheets for that.  For example, I generate
two different outputs from the same results.xml file. One for HTML
results going to my web server and the other, a plain text email,
which gets emailed to a newsgroup showing only the summary of the

The console testrunner, that I use, will insert the stylesheet information.

This version is much better than the ones I sent you before.  A few
things are still missing though, but that is due to the data being
missing in the xml results.

* The test listings need to be grouped by test suites which will allow
for a better summaries to be generated.

This would be my first feature request.

* More attributes need to be added to the test listings to give
information like: Did the test pass, fail or give a error.  This will
allow me to link the summary test listing to the detailed results
using the HTML version of the XSLT.
* Ignored/Skipped tests still need support - My version of fpcUnit has
not been patched yet.

Enjoy, and please give me some feedback. Good or bad!

Looking forward to further improvements.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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