Op Sat, 27 Oct 2007, schreef Michael Van Canneyt:

> On Sat, 27 Oct 2007, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> While I do not dispute the validity of your comments, I'd like to point out
> that any cross-platform solution will suffer from this. Be it in Mono, Java
> or FPC. I'm sure the Eclipse or Mono generated programs have the same problem.
> The main point is that the Mac port of Lazarus currently enables you to 
> create 
> cross-platform applications. Additionally it also enables you to create 
> applications that will look OK on the Mac as well, if you were to code them 
> natively on Mac, using the Mac standards. 
> And as for 'looking mightlily fine', I can assure you that the Mac port was
> really the unique selling position of Lazarus/FPC on Systems, last week. 
> The Windows Vista-64-bit and Mac Aqua IDE running on 2 screens next to each 
> other were real eye-catchers.
> So some optimism and cheerfulness is definitely in order, I'd say :-)

Lazarus is by far the "most native" cross platform solution in existance. 
Certainly, it cannot compete with hand-tuned non-portable GUI code, and it 
probably never will. But writing hand-tuned non-portable GUI code requires 
a lot of resources, and therefore only feasible on big platforms. Lazarus 
allows you to create cross-platform applications with not 
perfect, but still remarkable native look and feel.

I have one complaint in this regards: Lazarus applications respond, like 
native applications to "theme" changes in the OS (as native applications 
should). However, try to change the colour scheme on Win32, the Lazarus 
IDE looks terrible, because some GUI parts obey the colour scheme and 
others don't.

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