--- Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, while we are busy with show-and-tell... Then have a look at my
> token library implementation.
> http://tinyurl.com/395vgp

> Sample Usage:
> tokenizer := TTokens.Create(FieldSpecLine, ', ', '"', '"', '\',
>                     tsMultipleSeparatorsBetweenTokens);
> try
>   lField := tokenizer.Token(2);
>   lAnotherField := tokenizer.Token(4);
> finally
>   tokenizer.Free;
> end;

That's not a working sample.  It has no CSV record to parse.

Give a working program that we can run with no modifications
whatsoever; parse an actual CSV record; print every field
in the record.  That's what my sample did.

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