Luca Olivetti schrieb:
[Beware, I'm neither an arm expert nor an fpc internals one, that's why I'm asking instead of patching, patching that I wouldn't know how to do anyway].

Due to my (insofar) failed experiment to get an arm-eabi compiler, I took a look at where FPC_ARMEL is used.

FPC_ARMEL is apparently only used in compiler/systems/i_linux.pas and compiler/systems/t_linux.pas. The latter is the recent change to use the correct dynamic linker, and the former to change the alignment of some structures (required by the eabi specification).

Indeed, i_linux sets e.g. the calling conventions to eabi and this is what the compiler/rtl check further one.

But eabi shouldn't also use a different syscall conversion[*]? Or does it use libc with whatever calling convention it is using (though it doesn't seem the case)?

[*]I think it can use the "old" one, albeit with some performance penalization


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