In the past I built numerous fpc-crosscompilers for arm-linux but now I
can't anymore.
What I did :
Downloaded and extracted fpcbuild-2.2.2.tar.gz
make CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=linux NOGDB=1 NODOCS=1 crosszipinstall
This complains that ppcrossarm is not found !
If I do the same with 2.2.0 I do get my crosscompiler.

I did build some crosscompilers with 2.2.2, but I didn't realise that
the previous ppcrossarm was used. Now I started with a brand-new virtual
machine and I encountered those problems.

Any help ?

Koenraad Lelong.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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