On Fri, 3 Apr 2009 13:08:42 +0200
Helmut Hartl <helmut.ha...@firmos.at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> due to interest i post here our generic version of a red black tree
> implementation. A R/B tree is a quite fast directory datastructure
> which allows o(log n) access times.
> Warning: The code compiles only under 2.2.4RC1+, below that the
> compilation fails(crash).
> Further info on
> http://fpcfun.firmos.at/bin/view/Freepascal/FirmOSOpenSource
> A short description with usage guidelines and a testprogram
> demonstrating adding and searching 10 Million key / value pairs is
> provided there too. 
> The code was tested under FreeBSD (dev platform), linux and windows
> and has no dependancys.
> have fun,

I surely have.

How much work do you think is it to extend it to accept duplicate keys?

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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