It's out matter but, I'm working with legacy modernization. The company I work deals with legacy modernization. Mainly in mainframes

[ ]
At 19:40 7/5/2009, you wrote:
On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 18:12 -0300, Arí Ricardo Ody wrote:

> Suppose the following structure:
> 01 a-1.
>    03 b-1 pic xxx.
>    03 b-2 pic 999.
>    03 b-3.
>       05 c-1 pic aaa.
>       05 c-2.
>          07 d-1 pic zzz.
>          07 d-2 pic xxx.
>       05 c-3 pic 99.
>    03 b-4 pic zzz.
>    03 b-5.
>       05 e-1 pic zzz.
> All line not containing the word pic I would call a group item and the
> other lines will be elementary items.

This is loosely COBOL source code.
> I would like to wrote a routine(or program) that save each group item
> and the elementary items contained in a StringList. Admit that the
> pattern of the structure is random. The example above is only an
> example.
> In this example:
> StringList1 will contain 'a-1' '03 b-1 pic xxx.' '03 b-2 pic 999.' '03
> b-4 pic zzz.'
> StringList2 will contain 'b-3' '05 c-1 pic aaa.' '05 c-3 pic 99.'
> StringList3 will contain 'c-2' '07 d-1 pic zzz.' '07 d-2 pic xxx.'
> StringList4 will contain 'b-5' '05 e-1 pic zzz.'

Do you want to put the COBOL source into a TStringList?
Are you trying to write a COBOL compiler?

If not, what are you trying to do?


Dave  [RLU #314465]
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