
I'm trying to fix bug http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14135 but could not get a way to do case insensitive comparison of UTF8 strings with non ascii characters (in the test even ansi strings failed).

See the attached test program. I tried StrIComp, AnsiCompareText, CompareText and even widestringmanager.CompareTextWideStringProc.

On Linux, only AnsiCompareText worked. On Windows none worked.

Any hints on how to do such comparison or this is a limitation of current fpc? Or i'm doing something wrong?


Key := 'ç';

Key will be encoded in the current system encoding Ok?

Key := Utf8Encode('ç');

'ç' will be converted to widestring and then back to Utf8 Ok?

program bugCompInsensitiveUTF8;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}

 {$ifdef unix}
 Classes, SysUtils;
  Key, Str: String;
  Key := 'c';
  Str := 'C';
  WriteLn('Testing C/c');
  if stricomp(PChar(Key), PChar(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('StrIComp OK');
  if AnsiCompareText(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('AnsiCompareText OK');
  if CompareText(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('CompareText OK');

  Key := 'ç';
  Str := 'Ç';
  WriteLn('Testing Ç/ç');
  if stricomp(PChar(Key), PChar(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('StrIComp OK');
  if AnsiCompareText(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('AnsiCompareText OK');
  if CompareText(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('CompareText OK');

  Key := UpperCase('ç');
  Str := 'Ç';
  WriteLn('Testing Ç/Uppercase(ç)');
  if strcomp(PChar(Key), PChar(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('StrComp OK');
  if AnsiCompareStr(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('AnsiCompareStr OK');
  if CompareStr(Key, Str) = 0 then
    WriteLn('CompareStr OK');

  //test UTF8
  Key := UTF8Encode('ç');
  Str := UTF8Encode('Ç');
  WriteLn('Testing UTF8 Ç/ç');
  if stricomp(PChar(Utf8ToAnsi(Key)), PChar(Utf8ToAnsi(Str))) = 0 then
    WriteLn('StrIComp OK');
  if AnsiCompareText(Utf8ToAnsi(Key), Utf8ToAnsi(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('AnsiCompareText OK');
  if CompareText(Utf8ToAnsi(Key), Utf8ToAnsi(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('CompareText OK');
  if widestringmanager.CompareTextWideStringProc(UTF8Decode(Key), UTF8Decode(Str)) = 0 then
    WriteLn('WideStringManager OK');

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