Jonas Maebe schrieb:
Holger Bruns wrote on Tue, 03 Nov 2009:

I decided to copy all the necessary files for x86.pp and oldlinux.pp into one directory for compiling these two units. This compilation failed due to syntax errors. A bunch of warnings also appeared. I post only the syntax error messages:

You appear to be compiling for x86_64 (please mention your full build configuration in the future, until now I thought your were working on i386). The reason that we do not ship a compiled version of the oldlinux unit for x86_64 is that it simply does not work on 64 bit platforms. Hence all the errors you are getting when trying to compile it anyway.

Yes, I tried to compiling missed units for x86_64.

The next release of FPC will include a version of the x86 unit for Linux/x86_64. In general, if a unit is not available in a precompiled version for your platform, the reason is that it does not work. Unless you intend to fix/rewrite that unit for your platform, trying to force the compiler to compile it anyway will not help you.
This means, you deliver these units for documentation purposes only, I guess. Now I am waiting für your next release, and I am really curious to look at your new code for x86 on x86_64 platforms.

Best regards, Holger

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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