On Fri, 20 Nov 2009, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

No, the application can (for instance almost all daemons do) close
stdout. Programs that use ncurses will also be messed-up.

Ah, ok.

For CGI programs, stdout is also reserved for the HTML output.
Imagine someone else's code doing a beep, and it ends up in your HTML

I can't say I have ever seen a HTML page that beeps, but then again you
never know. ;-)

If you'll remember, tiOPF had some very common (but nasty)
windows-only constructs like showing message boxes deeply buried in
core functionality. Works fine. Till I come along and want to run the
thing on Linux. Bummer...

Please let me know if this is still the case, so those + translations
can be resolved. It took me considerable time to fix tiOPF Core to run
on a headless Linux box. So if any strange "gui" message boxes appear in
tiOPF Core, I would be very surprised. Hard-coded English text is a
different issue.

As far as I know, they were removed at the first "complaint" from my side,
but I just wanted to make a point, namely: you don't know what system your
code will end up on.

By that rationale: no beep() on linux.

Funny you say that. When I started working on fpGUI's DocView (help
viewer) and viewed various OS/2 INF files, I couldn't get the damn
program to stop beeping at me! It took me a good two weeks before I
found the problem - it was #7 characters used in the IBM INF documents!

So I can honestly say my Linux system CAN beep. ;-)

It can, of course...

Possible alternatives:
Maybe under Linux the system.beep() can make a sound if stdout is
available, otherwise write the word "beep" to the console (like the old
silent movies did on screen), or flash the Scroll Lock keyboard light. :-)

No, see the ncurses/cgi use cases.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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