Dear Free Pascal,
   I am a senior high school student from China,  when I use Free pascal I have 
some qustions:
   First, I want to use  some Turbo Pascal's Uint in Free Pascal (I learnt 
pascal in TP7.0)
  but it seems I can't use TP's unit file.
 Can you tell me some solutions?
   Second, I can't find help files when I use free pascal 
   Can you send me the help files of Free pascal?
   Third,I can't input Chinese in my program compiled by Free pascal.
  Can you give me some advices ?
  Forth, I also intrested in using Assemble language in Free pascal 
 but I don't know Assemble , and there is some differences between the assemble 
in turbo pascal and free pascal 
  I also interested in that. Can you tell me how to learn asmmemble ?
   Best wishes to  you  .
                  Andy        Andy Scout
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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