I tried to write a little utility to submit a command to the At Facility.

The code to do this is as follows:

program TestPrg;

Uses Classes, Process;

   i:    Integer;
   Cmd, Pre, Post, StrVar, SwStr:    String;
   MyProcess: TProcess;
   SOut, EOut, StdStrLst: TStringList;

   StdStrLst   := TStringlist.Create;
   SOut   := TStringlist.Create;
EOut := TStringlist.Create; EOut := TStringlist.Create; MyProcess := TProcess.Create(nil); MyProcess.CommandLine := 'at now'; MyProcess.Options := MyProcess.Options + [poUsePipes]; MyProcess.Execute; StdStrLst.Clear; StdStrLst.Add('awk -F":" ''{print $1"\t"$3"\t"$4}'' /etc/passwd | sort'); StdStrLst.SaveToStream(MyProcess.Input); StdStrLst.Clear; StdStrLst.Add(chr(4));
     For i:=1 to SOut.Count Do
     For i:=1 to EOut.Count Do

Running this code from a Lazarus test program works with out any problems. When running it from a Free Pascal (non gui,) the program finishes normally, but nothing gets submitted to the AT Facility. uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
StdCtrls, Process;

Someone on the Lazarus List recommend I add SysUtils to my utility program. I am not sure how to do this. SysUtils has many included files in there and they are all in other directories, none of which are in my path. I am sure there is some simple method here that I am totally ignorant of.

Thanks in advance,   TH
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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