On Mon, 5 Apr 2010 21:38:33 +0200
Jonas Maebe <jonas.ma...@elis.ugent.be> wrote:

> > Anyone had a similar experience?
> As the DosEMU output says: "ERROR: Please report the contents of
> ~/.dosemu/boot.log at
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=457447&group_id=49784&func=browse";
> This is a bug in DosEMU.

I've reported the bug on the DosEmu mailing list and on the Sourceforge
bug tracker - but I have the impression that the last 4 years little or
no attention has been dedicated to either of them. I've also reported the
(other) bug on the DosBox forum.

I just copied the fpc source files to my (32bit-) notebook, where I have
dosemu installed, which I have used before to compile them under DOS. I
also installed FPC 2.4.0 there. Same problem as the one reported above.

I have the impression that this problem appeared in the upgrade from FPC
2.2.x to 2.4.x. I just noticed, because 2.2.x didn't accept a writeln of
an enumerated scalar, which 2.4.x does, apparently. But 2.2.x did start

Any recent changes in the fpc executable that could cause the DosEmu


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