All TObject descendants have a VMT. The destructor is virtual, BTW.


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Yann Bat <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't understand why compilation of the program below failed in fpc
> and objfpc mode. In tp and delphi mode it works as expected but in fpc
> and objfpc mode the compiler complains :
>  blob.pas(17,3) Error: Constants of objects containing a VMT aren't allowed
>  blob.pas(17,3) Fatal: Syntax error, ";" expected but "(" found
> Since my object has no virtual methods why a VMT ?
> Thanks.
> {$mode fpc}
> program Blob;
> type
>  TBlob = object
>    private
>      fId : LongInt;
>    public
>      constructor Init;
>      function Id: LongInt;
>  end;
>  PBlob=^TBlob;
> const
>  NullBlob : TBlob = (fId: 0);
> {=== TBlob ===}
> constructor TBlob.Init;
> begin
>  fId:=Random(1024) + 1;
> end;
> function TBlob.Id;
> begin
>  Id:=fId;
> end;
> var
>  B : TBlob;
> begin
>  B:=NullBlob;
>  WriteLn('B : ', B.Id);
>  B.Init;
>  WriteLn('B : ', B.Id);
> end.
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