I use symbolic links.  I created /opt/fpc directory which contains subdirectories for each version I have available.  /opt/fpc/fpc-current is a symbolic link to the directory of the version of fpc I am currently using.  /opt/fpc/bin is a symbolic link to /opt/fpc/fpc-current/bin.  In order to switch versions I just need to modify the /opt/fpc/fpc-current link.

My fpc.cfg file has unit/library/include references similar to this:  -Fu/opt/k-/fpc/fpc-current/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget
So it works with any version I install.

Here are the ugly notes I made when I set it up on my development box:

   - First time retrieve from Subversion
      cd /opt/fpc
      - Stable branch
      - Development branch (v2.1.1)
         svn checkout http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk fpc
      mv fpc fpc-<version>-svn
      rm fpc-source
      ln -s fpc-<version>-svn fpc-source

   - Update the source from Subversion
      cd /opt/fpc/fpc-<version>-svn
      svn update

   - Complile
      cd /opt/fpc/fpc-<version>-svn
      make OPT='-gl' zipinstall

   Install the new zip
      cd /opt/fpc
      rm fpc-current
      mkdir v<version>.<date>
      ln -s v<version>.<date> fpc-current
      cd fpc-current
      tar -zxvf ../fpc-source/fpc-<version>.<cpu>-<arch>.tar.gz
      cd bin
      ln -s ../lib/fpc/<version>/ppc386 .

Lloyd B. Park

On Jul 26, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Bernd Kreuss wrote:

Currently I have the latest svn of FPC installed (make install) which
results in all files being installed where they belong, the binary being
in the search path and fpc.cfg in /etc and I can easily use it with Lazarus.

Now I want to test something I wrote whether it will compile with an
older version of FPC and I even need to recompile the entire Lazarus
with the older FPC because it is a patch for Lazarus itself.

What is the easiest way to have a second installation of FPC around that
I can easily switch to on the same machine without having to change half
a dozen paths and moving config files around?

I have thought about switching compilers system-wide by simply having
two compiled versions in two separate directories lying around and then
simply "make install" in one of them or in the other one to switch
between them. Does this make sense or is there a better (recommended)
way of doing this?
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