Marco van de Voort wrote:
In our previous episode, said:
IntToBin       Converts         inserting spaces at
IsEmptyStr     Check     disregaring whitespace characters

That's somewhat abbreviated so that it's not screwed too badly by wrap.
Creating such an index requires additional keywords, which are simply not
present now.

Categorization of routines (string,file etc) would be a good place to start.
I have thought about this before (for chm), but while the CHM format
supports this (building e.g. a list of string routines over multiple
independantly compiled CHMs), the Windows viewer's support for this is too
basic, and the *nix viewers are even worse.

It seems to be functionality intended for MSDN that never was finished
because of the move to later formats.
That said, I am still looking for a good search engine *written in Object
pascal* for the FPC html docs. Any hints/tips are appreciated.

CHM has a basic phrase indexer, and it operates on the html. The search part
is maybe part of the viewer, and one would have to see how complex it is. (Iow if the complexity is in index or search, if the search is relative
simple one could look at kchmviewer)

I used something called Perlfect Search for a while- which might fulfil Michael's criterion if Lazarus could handle Perl plugins :-)

As shipped though I think it was oriented towards word (rather than phrase) indexing, and it had a limit of 64K files.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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