On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Marco van de Voort wrote:

In our previous episode, Mattias Gaertner said:
>> GetScanLine/SetScanLine,
>> and all other FPIMage operations will work equally well.
> This will not accelerate reading/writing at all. When writing (or any other
> form of streaming), there will still be a procedure call per pixel and
> conversion to/from 64-bit.?
Yes, it does, because of cache effects.

If you declare your class as e.g. TBW32image (RGBA), a pixel assignment is
an inline handful of instructions.

I think fcl-image with its no-compromise format support was great initial
effort.  But it is time to at least allow some internal shortcuts for
performance's sake. And generics allow a way to put this into a class
hierarchy without too much code duplication.

You can propose whatever you want _but_ generics.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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