On 06/14/2011 09:33 PM, Anton Shepelev wrote:
Graeme Geldenhuys:

You are welcome to add it to the wiki.
I  still  do  not  fully  understand the problem, so
please, review what I have come up with:

     On  Linux/Unix  the  FP-IDE  calculates  the
     addresses  of  the  drawing  charactes (also
     called pseudagraphics)  based  on  the  LANG
     environment variable, so for the IDE to work
     correctly, its value  must  correspond  with
     the  console mode which can be checked using
     the kbd_mode utility.

     If the reported console mode  is  UTF8  then
     the  value  of  LANG  must  be  of the form:
     ll_CC.UTF-8.  For  most  cases   en_US.UTF-8
     should work.

Now  I  don't  know for sure what happens with other
locales. From my own experiments, in this  case  the
IDE  simply  tries to get the pseudographics charac-
ters from their respective addresses as  defined  in
CP437. Is this correct?
Basically, all it does is, it checks if the LANG variable contains 'UTF-8' as a substring (not sure if it is the right way to do it, but it works for Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mandriva and latest Debian) and if it does, it writes UTF-8 characters to the console, by using an internal CP437 to UTF-8 conversion table.
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