On 6/24/2011 4:14 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
No, this is a problem of gettext.

It's a problem with FPC's resourcestring implementation, rather than
something specific to gettext.  I could use SetResourceStrings directly
(objpas.pp) and it will have the same issue.

For this to work you really need resource types that work based on
replacing memory areas, or use _()

What do you mean by replacing memory areas? Runtime patching? Does something exist that supports that? On Windows we're using resource DLLs directly, without going through gettext, so I really don't want to switch to _(). I don't mind low-level hacking though. ;)

It looks like Delphi writes a table of these kinds of resource string uses and fixes them up during program initialization. If FreePascal had a similar table it could do the same thing as part of SetResourceStrings.

Assuming Krzysztof is correct that the compiler flattens the references, I'm guessing replacing the FPC_RESOURCESTRINGTABLES section won't help either. If it would, I'd be happy to look into that approach too.

If fixing this is correctly is a reasonable possibility, I'm happy to look into it myself, but I would like to hear how attainable it's likely to be first, since I've never worked on a compiler before.

Craig Peterson
Scooter Software

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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