Seth Grover wrote:
Quick question: says:

"It is available for different processors: Intel x86, Amd64/x86_64,
PowerPC, PowerPC64, Sparc, ARM."
"The following operating systems are supported: Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku,
Mac OS X/Darwin, DOS, Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, Netware (libc and
classic) and MorphOS."

Then, lower, it lists:

"Sparc architecture - 16 MB of RAM is required. Runs on any Sparc
Linux installation (solaris is experimental)."

Most of the references to Sparc/Solaris that I'm finding on the
mailing list and whatnot are quite old. Can someone who knows give me
a quick rundown as to what the status of Solaris on Sparc is? I'm
specifically looking to port a Linux shared library to solaris on

Let's try and take this in several stages.

* SPARC on Linux works, although there is something- possibly an alignment error- that causes Lazarus to fail (also affects at least some ARM). Bug 0019109, but apart from that I'm running FPC/Lazarus-generated code routinely on SPARC (Debian Etch/Lenny/Squeeze).

* FPC compiler targeting SPARC on Solaris works, together with much of the RTL. Bug 0018271 contains working notes of where I had to adjust paths etc.

* I've compiled much of the infrastructure required to support Lazarus on SPARC/Solaris, but ground to a halt when it became apparent that many of the fundamental libraries weren't available for v10 which is what I was running.

* I'll have another shot at this when I've got time, and when the situation with v11 has settled down. I'm not in a position to start buying pukka copies so a lot depends on Oracle here, and what their plans are for Solaris.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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