On Mon, 1 Aug 2011, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:


This is kind of a theorical question, but I though I'd ask before
starting to code =)

Basically I have a desktop app which I need to retrofit into a
web-app. My idea is to cut it in a visual and a non-visual part and
implement the visual part in HTML+JavaScript and keep the non-visual
like it is now, in Pascal.

So, the problem is that CGI apps are started for every request, correct?


There are techniques to avoid this: fastcgi, apache module, embedded server.

So how should I proceed to obtain a application which will keep
running for the entire session of a user? I don't want to simply save
session info because the application is rather large, there are lots
of things going on and it would be much easier for my coding if I
could keep the program running on the web server ...

Any ideas?

If you really want the application running 100% of the time, there are only 2 
- fastcgi with mod_fastcgi (NOT mod_fcgid) and ExternalFastCGIServer option.
- Embedded server (i;e. the application acts as a webserver).

Both ways are supported with fpWeb. I use fastcgi.

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