On 3 August 2011 15:53, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> I'm thinking about trying to separate out the database layer (using
> something like tiOPF perhaps) from the presentation layer.

Good choice! :-)

> While I'm doing that, I thought about using character mode terminals
> (DOS or Linux shell) for quick data entry.

As Michael said, it could definitely work. But is there any specific
reason why you would like to choose a terminal app over a GUI
(desktop) app? Or even a Web app? Easy deployment with little
dependencies, end-users are already used to terminal apps etc?

If you do use tiOPF, you could always use tiOPF's MGM
(Model-GUI-Mediator) which makes GUI binding very easy with very
little code. MGM already supports fpGUI, LCL and VCL. I would
obviously recommend fpGUI for the job, which gives you lots of
possibilities to customize the look of your app, and it has very low
library dependencies... but them I might be a bit bias towards fpGUI.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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