On 1/12/2012 11:23, waldo kitty wrote:
On 1/12/2012 07:20, Tomas Hajny wrote:
On Thu, January 12, 2012 03:34, waldo kitty wrote:
i'll probably have broken my code by the time you read this... but i'll
very likely be attempting to implement the logic in my Input_Satellite_List
routine ;) OB-)

Possible, but likely resulting in some useless overhead (computing
performance-wise) if you still intend to use the method Insert in that

yeah, that went over like a lead balloon... i'm digging into the insert method
override, instead... just gotta figure out how to access the epoch in the
current record and the one in the passed record for the decision making

yeah, i know... bad form to reply to my own message but...

I GOT IT!! WHOOHOO! finally...

procedure TTLEColl.Insert (Item: Pointer);
  I: Sw_Integer;
  old: Pointer;
   If NOT Search(KeyOf(Item), I) OR Duplicates Then   { Item valid }
     AtInsert(I, Item)                                { Insert the item }
   else                                               // otherwise
     // compare the epochs & replace existing record if < item^.epoch
     if PTLERec(At(i))^.epoch < PTLERec(Item)^.epoch then
         old := At(i);                  // save existing pointer first!
         AtPut(i, Item);                // now put in the new record
         PTLERec(old)^.Done;            // time to remove the old data
         dispose(old);                  // and finally dispose it
       begin                            // we're tossing this one out
         PTLERec(Item)^.Done;           // so remove the data first
         dispose(Item);                 // and then dispose the item

now the list is sorted, newer entries replace older ones and there's no more whining from heaptrc about left over fluff on the heap... yeah!

and i said it before but dang this thing's fast... compared to the old tool that i've been using for eons... i mean look at it like this... we're comparing a turtle with a lightening bolt... somehow "fast" just doesn't seem to be strong enough to describe the difference in speed :P

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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