On 1/13/2012 12:24, Tomas Hajny wrote:
On Fri, January 13, 2012 16:48, waldo kitty wrote:
[time passes]

ok, i figured out how to compile with -s and then i ran the ppas.cmd
file... it apparently has completed successfully... i do have a bright
shiny new exe file... now to figure out what's wrong with the normal
way that fp does it as compared to the way fpc is doing it...

You may want to check the differences between fp.ini and fpc.cfg. Also, if
you have an OS/2 version of the tool 'which' (available e.g. from
http://silk.apana.org.au/utils.html or as an internal command within 4OS2
shell if you use that one), you might want to check a possible difference
in path returned for 'which as' and 'which ld'.

i use 4OS2 and both return the same path...

>which as
  209 rwx 1  bin 212992 Feb 23 2004 10:43:38 h:\fp\2.6.0\bin\os2\as.exe

>which ld
   97 rwx 1  bin  98308 Dec 19 1998 18:51:42 h:\fp\2.6.0\bin\os2\ld.exe

i've also looked at fp.ini and fpc.cfg and don't find anything related that might be causing this... the only thing i have done with those files, actually, is to replace "2.6.0" with "$FPCVERSION" so that i can easily share (ie: copy) the project directory with other machines... i've initially developed this tool on w2k and then copied that directory over to the OS/2 box... i also have a copy on my vista laptop so i can work on it when i'm at work or otherwise out and about with my laptop ;)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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