On 26 February 2012 20:28, Luciano de Souza wrote:
> Actually, reading the tiOPF, I found the support for Firebird, Microsoft SQL
> Server, Oracle, but not for PostgreSQL.

tiOPF has a SqlDB (included with the Free Pascal Compiler) backend. As
it stands (in the public repository), SqlDB support in tiOPF is more
geared towards SqlDB+Firebird.

I already have a private branch where I refactored the SqlDB backend
[which wasn't much work] to support PostgreSQL, MySQL etc. I never
made that code public, because I haven't implemented the unit tests
for those yet. I'll try and find some time this week to implement the
tests suite and make that code public.

> first look, the project seemed to be very complex to use, but of course, I
> may be wrong.

It's not really complex to use, it is just a new tool you need to
learn (just like any other development tools or frameworks).

tiOPF has plenty of demos - which were designed to be very simplistic,
to teach one simple thing at a time. It also has some "real world"
style demos, which are more complex. There are lots of documentation.
A very good history or knowledge base of information in the support
newsgroups (I recommend you download them for offline searching -
Mozilla Thunderbird works well).  And if you still get stuck, simply
post a message in the tiopf.support newsgroup.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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