
It's not used as a unit name, but there might be "something"  "somewhere" 
hiding, so I am not ready to file a bug report on it yet.

It's probably better to make another demo program with less cruft.

-- Noah 

On 2012/03/01, at 16:13, Sven Barth <> wrote:

> Am 01.03.2012 01:43, schrieb Noa Shiruba:
>> Hi Sven,
>> Several of my programs stopped compiling with "duplicate identifier" errors 
>> where I had something like:
>> Var Tile:TOSMTile;
>> I thing the offending unit was Graphics, but I am not 100% sure.
>> (I just did search and replace of Tile to MapTile in my code to fix it once 
>> I realized the conflicting definition Was coming from one of the standard 
>> units).
> This is strange. As leledumbo said a "duplicated identifier" error should 
> only appear if you used "tile" inside the current unit already. Are you sure 
> you didn't use it as unit name? If you can still reproduce it when you use 
> "tile" again, can you narrow down the problem and please report a bug if it's 
> not an oversight by you?
> Regards,
> Sven
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