Am 21.05.2012 14:59, schrieb
On Wed, 9 May 2012 17:40:40 +0200 (CEST) "Tomas Hajny" wrote:

On Wed, May 9, 2012 16:14, microcode wrote:

Another question is on 2.6.0 on Linux. I cannot run the fp ide because
I ave glibc 2.9. The error message I get says

fp: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by fp)

That is really a recent version! Even the latest Slackware from 1 year
ago only has glibc 2.13. Is this really needed or can it be built
against my version of glibc?

It should be possible to build against your version of glibc, but you'll
probably have to do it yourself (or use FPC binaries provided by your
distribution). Search for 'buildfaq.pdf' in order to learn more on how to
build FPC yourself.

Hooray! See attached. Thanks Tomas!

Interestingly enough, the build process I stumbled through created
statically linked executables. In 2.6.0 fp was dynamically linked and
pointed to a copy of glibc I didn't have. In the 2.7.1 I created today, fp
is static and has no dependency on a particular version of anything. I
wonder if it could be created that way generically in the regular build
process and then everybody on Linux could run it.

This might be, because you compiled it without a libgdb which in turn is the one who links dynamically to libc. Most FPC applications (if they don't use threads or a WideString manager) don't require libc and thus don't need to link to it (which AFAIK is also the case for the IDE if it doesn't link to libgdb).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

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