I'm currently tinkering with shared libraries, using cmem, mainly on Linux. In one case the main-program code is multithreaded, but so far I'm not moving data between threads inside the library.

Am I correct in believing that unit-level variables in a shared library might end up being shared between multiple instances of the library, or are they guaranteed to be distinct?

If my belief is correct, I presume that I could get around this by using threadvars. But in this case, how would I best implement a variable that I wanted to be common across related threads (e.g. to track the number of a particular object being allocated/deallocated), but distinct across program invocations (i.e. two programs using the same shared library wouldn't clash)?

The discussion of libraries in ch16 of the Language reference guide is rather quiet on the semantics.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

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