On Tue, 10 Jul 2012, Ludo Brands wrote:

Because the old behaviour is not "buggy".

It simply did not support Unicode, and does the next best thing,
in casu: it transforms to the system codepage.

A car without ABS and SAT-Nav is not buggy.
It just doesn't support features which are nowadays called
standard. You can perfectly drive it.

An old car without a seat belt is buggy although when it was built seat
belts where not standard.

I still wouldn't call the car buggy. For me a car must be able to drive. That is its essential function.
If it doesn't start, or stops every 5 minutes, then it is buggy.
All the rest are options. Whether they are legally required or not is irrelevant to the car-ness of the car.

But I drive a motorcycle, so the point is moot ;-)

Just as Unicode is nowadays standard, N years ago, it was not.

Since backwards compatibility is very important, we must
offer the option.

The Json standard specifies unicode. Why have utf8 default off?

For backwards compatibility by default.

Old cars are retro-fitted with seat belts. Why sell new cars with seat belts
as an option?

So you'd reverse the constructor boolean argument to specify Utf8 as default, and let the user choose the old behaviour if he needs it ?

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