On Wed, 15 Aug 2012, Ludo Brands wrote:

So why does FCL-DB look at the unversioned *.so by default?
Wouldn't it make more sense to change FCL-DB to look for
libfbclient.so.2 instead? 2 being the latest major version of
Firebird DB, and that is also the latest version that
ibconnection.pp was written for.

Completely agreed.

The default library file can be overrided but this is all but self
explaining (and barely documented AFAIK):
- firebird: uses ibase60dyn; ... InitialiseIBase60('libraryname');
- postgres: uses postgres3dyn; ... InitialisePostgres3('libraryname');
- mysql5.1: uses mysql51dyn; ... InitialiseMysql('libraryname');
It can only be done at run-time, so no way to activate any connections in
the OI.

A libraryfilename property for the different sqldb components would be nice.

No, this would suggest that you can set a different value for each instance.

I think a settings dialog in the component editor (from the form designer)
would be better. Or a settings dialog under 'Tools'.

Patches welcome :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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