Am 2012-08-22 13:45, schrieb Lukasz Sokol:
> Recompilation when one of units/libraries was upgraded, almost always implies
> rebuild. Who on Earth is so trigger-happy to upgrade, rebuild and not test for
> regressions? This is the only sane way to get the process going - document it
> *as MML said below*;

That's not the point. Why on earth should a programmer *not* get as much help 
as possible
from a programming language/compiler? That's the genuine purpose of a 
programming language.
Why stick with flaws if they are avoidable?
*If* the issue Timothy reported can be avoided why *not* doing it?
It would help avoiding many problems and reduce testing time.
Although I have not such a strong feeling about it I would still appreciate the 
suggested addition.
It would add a function for safer programming without drawbacks (except the 
coding effort of course).
Though I don't know whether it can be implemented easily (if at all).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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