OBones wrote on Wed, 22 Aug 2012:
Jonas Maebe wrote:
You can try debugging syswin32_i386_exception_handler in
rtl/win32/system.pp to see what exception Win32 reports instead.
Thanks for the confirmation as I was heading that way when I posted
the message, without much hope.
But now that I have put that idea to full length, it became clear
that the problem is not (entirely) with Win32 but because the
exception handler does not handle the STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS
I guess you mean "a division by zero using an SSE instruction results
And as you said, when it does not know what to do, it gives 217 that
gets later translated to Control C, which to me is a bit misleading.
I'd rather have a 202, External Exception.
202 is "stack overflow". 217 is also used in the RTL as "unhandled
exception". I don't know how come that this code is used both for
ctrl-c and unhandled exception. Probably a simple error from a long
time ago that never got corrected.
So right, now, using this I'm getting the appropriate exception, I'm
just left wondering if this code (or a similar one) should be added
to FreePascal so that other people are not having the same issue as
I'm having.
Probably. At least a quick web search seems to indicate this is a
fairly well-known problem with SSE exceptions and Win32.
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