Am Wednesday 29 August 2012 23:46:55 schrieb Krzysztof:
> I have some problem. Example:
> I created some exec using free pascal and lazarus. It is placed on
> http server. User in webbrowser click download, and server should
> attach link from where it is clicked into this exec. So when user run
> downloaded exec, this exec can read this link.

> The idea is that 
> everything is in one file (and must be).

This can be achieved easily with including data as I suggest some times here.
(Including binary data making easy).

Then you can do with your included data what you want. You are more 
independend than relying to (an) additional tool(s).

> My question is, exists any 
> commandline tool which can edit executable file for edit some resource
> (like ResEdit or Restorator for Windows) which can be used by http
> server?

Complicated in comparison to the solution above.

> By resource I mean some const (or resourcestring section, free 
> pascal binary can replace it in runtime, can some tool do this same
> outside?). So main problem is in server side. Finally we can use free
> pascal compiler and compile modified source by server, but this
> solution we use when everything fails (admins, restrictions etc.). I
> need this only for windows (for now), so I'm considering some
> commandline installer makers like InnoSetup or something. Any idea?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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