Guillermo Martínez Jiménez wrote on Thu, 13 Sep 2012:

On 12 Sep 2012, at 19:11, Johann Glaser wrote:

Can I translate this 1:1, i.e., define an Enum in Pascal and just ignore
the compiler warnings about reused values?

Or should I rather define all these types as Integer and define
constants for all values?

It depends on whether you need arithmetic or not. If you do, use
integer constants, otherwise you can use an enum.

Actually you cannot.  FPC optimizes enumerations in some cases (i.e.
in Delphi mode) but GCC uses 32bit for enumerations alwais.

The size of an enum in gcc depends on whether or not the -fshort-enums
command line option is used, and on the number of bits required to
represent its upper bound value.

Anyway you can still use enums, but telling to FPC that you want to
set its size by directives $PACKENUM and $ENUMSIZE.

It's $PACKENUM *or* $ENUMSIZE (they affect the same compiler setting)

Anwyay, yes, that's also what I said the part of my original mail that
you cut away.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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