Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 14/09/12 09:10, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

I don't believe you've mentioned Maximus here before, does it pull in
the form designer etc.?

I've tested in OpenSolaris 2009 release, but I don't have Solaris 8 to try. I can say that I have run fpGUI executables under Linux SUSE 9.0 (almost 10 year old distro) too, without any issues. fpGUI only needs the most basic X11 and Xft libraries - nothing else. This makes it work on just about any system that can run X11.

I've just taken a look, and while libXft is available for Solaris 10 (see it's not available for Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8). It was just an idle query... it might turn out to be possible to build it by taking sources of about the right age from e.g. Slackware 8.1, but right now I've got too much else on my plate to get into this.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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