> From: silvioprog <silviop...@gmail.com>
>To: FPC-Pascal users discussions <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> 
>Sent: Friday, November 23, 2012 2:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] A simple HTTP request with FPC standard units
>2012/11/23 silvioprog <silviop...@gmail.com>
>I solved the error. In:
>>Function TFPCustomHTTPClient.GetServerURL(URI : TURI) : String;
>>  D : String;
>>  D:=URI.Path;
>>  If (D[1]<>'/') then
>>    D:='/'+D;
>>  If (D[Length(D)]<>'/') then
>>    D:=D+'/';
>>  Result:=D+URI.Document;
>>  if (URI.Params<>'') then
>>    Result:=Result+'?'+URI.Params;

The code needed to execute the function could be even smaller if this is 
changed to a class function. Instead of needing to create an instance, then 
using, then freeing, the whole thing could something like this:

  s := TFPCustomHTTPClient.GetServerURL('http://a_site/a_page');


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