On 13/12/12 21:51, denisgolovan wrote:
Hi all

Recently I discovered that fpc refuses to use registers in my loops even with 
optimization turned on (-O1,-O3 used).
With the asm code commented out and without any optimization, the registers are used.

# [47] for i:=1 to 100000000 do
    movl    $1,%ebx
    decl    %ebx
    .balign 4,0x90
    incl    %ebx
# [48] Inc(i2);
    incl    %eax
    cmpl    $100000000,%ebx
    jb    .Lj80
# [53] i:=1;
    movl    $1,%ebx
    .balign 4,0x90
# [55] Inc(i);
    incl    %ebx
# [56] until i>100000000;
    cmpl    $100000000,%ebx
    jna    .Lj111
# [61] i:=1;
    movl    $1,%ebx
# [62] while i<100000000 do
    jmp    .Lj145
    .balign 4,0x90
# [63] Inc(i);
    incl    %ebx
    cmpl    $100000000,%ebx
    jb    .Lj144

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