thx, got it...

> There will always be conversion if
> 1) a unit specifies a string type by itself.
> 2) the unit comes in compiled form.

One more question:
If a particular unit (maybe 3rd party) does not define its string type, what 
string type is used:
(a) the type defined in project,
(b) a fpc default type?

In other words, can I force *all* sources in my project to use the same string 
type, provided that I know, they don't do direct access?

The wiki says [http://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_Unicode_support], that
- shortstring
- ansistring
- widestring
- utf8string
- utf16string
- utf32string
- ucs2string (?)
- ucs4string (?)
may be supported.

So in future I will be able to define any of these for my source (and switch 
between them), without changing code?
Any function with "string" as param will be "automatically" overloaded for all 
supported string types?


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