On 3/11/13, Darius Blaszyk <dhkblas...@zeelandnet.nl> wrote:
> I'm stuck porting a macro from C. Below is the original define. The
> part I'm struggeling with is the right most part after the - sign.
> #define GETNEXT(x) ((LList *)(((char *) x) - ((char *) & (((LList
> *)0)^.next))))
> Does anyone know what is meant with the define?
> Obviously LList is a linked list struct that has a prev and next
> variable. But what does the & and 0 mean?
> Appreciate any
> help.
> Regards, Darius

AFAICS they mean "address" and "nil", respectively, so that part will
return the offset of "next" inside and item of LList.


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