First and foremost: this is very offtopic, so I'm moving this over to fpc-other. If someone answers to my mail, then please ensure that you only answer to fpc-pascal. Thank you.

On 12.03.2013 13:57, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
Sad enough that you're almost no student anymore (presumably equals
having to do real work instead of improving FPC and incidentally

I'm really looking forward to the time I'm no student anymore. First I'm finally able to earn a nice amount of money and second I'll have regulated worktimes and don't need to use my free time (aka FPC time) to do homework or other things for university. This will finally be the time when the *real* fun on FPC development starts. :D

but this is really going to far ;) :

Don't leave us - rather leave these C people to do whatever they do ;)

Where did I wrote that I'd leave FPC? If you'd read the ReactOS forums as well you'd know that I'm happily promoting that I'm a FPC developer when there is the chance... [Note: I'm aware that you're joking around, so don't take the "tone" of the previous paragraph to personally ^^]

Nevertheless I like ReactOS very much. I'm a huge fan of the NT kernel (just in case: I'm not talking about the Win32 API here) and one of my dreams would be a new NT subsystem written in FPC with an as much as possible Pascal userland (why do you think I implemented the NativeNT target?). And if you look at the projects they are suggesting for GSOC 2013 there are very nice ones between them. The ones I personally would consider myself able to implement (the SSH server and the GUI installer) could even be implemented in Pascal (though this wouldn't help the ReactOS devs). So while this leaves out the GUI installer a SSH server for Windows and ReactOS could nevertheless be implemented independently of GSOC and the ReactOS project as a Pascal open source project... Things that I'd also like to see for ReactOS would be a port of DDEkit which would allow the usage of Linux drivers (compiled from source) on a NT system and just because "I could" a port of ReactOS to m68k (this would need some more work though than "just" porting the OS, e.g. patching the binutils and maybe gcc...).

But there is also another side of the story though this is not related to the mail linked above: As my current company has (again) decided to move away from Delphi (to .Net with C#) I myself will very likely change my workplace at the end of my study as well. And the company I plan to work for is developing their own realtime microkernel operating system though they are working with C++. But they are also supportive of my work with FPC. The boss originally developed in Pascal as well and during the time I wrote my bachelor thesis for them two years ago I managed to port FPC natively to their POSIX layer as the first compiler ever. :) And I'll at least try if I could get a bit of time a week to be paid for work on FPC. And who knows... maybe I'll someday rewrite their kernel in Pascal :P Also it might be useful to use a different language for work than for hobby: you learn to appreciate your main language more (or in case of C++ more importantly the IDE...).

And to close this mail I'll misuse the famous quote of an even more famous half-Vulcan:

I was and always shall be: a Pascal programmer.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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