On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 3:02 PM, 印場 乃亜 <shir...@galapagossoftware.com> wrote:
> With BigLongThingIDontWantToWriteOutEverySingleTime do
>   begin
>      Height := 100;
>      Width := 200;
>     ...
>      SomeOtherObject.Submit(BigLongThingIDontWantToWriteOutEverySingleTime);
>   end;
> Notice how I have to write the long thing out again at the bottom.  There
> must be a way around that (Something like "Self", but that refers to
> whatever you are using in With).

You can use a Class Helper:


But you gonna need to use a type cast. And with a "SomethingElse" at
the with, as showed by Xiangrong, things can become messy.
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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