Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Also, there doesn't seem to be much use of regular expressions.

Well, I guess Pascal programmers prefer readability over shortness.

They're definitely not a panacea, but where you want to do things like extract the x.y.z version number from e.g 'PostgreSQL 8.4.6 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.3, 32-bit' and 'LI-V2.5.0.26054 Firebird 2.5 Release Candidate 3', using regexes can end up being more readable provided that the comments include examples of what should be matched.

I know that function and variable names should be chosen so as to reduce the need for comments, but I feel that large sections of the programming industry are still biased against them because they have this fixed idea that they introduce overhead in the generated code or can give away trade secrets to the end user. In short, we're still hobbled by the legacy of interpreted BASIC, which is about all that some management types know.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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