On 26.09.2013 09:07, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

On Thu, 26 Sep 2013, Sven Barth wrote:

Am 25.09.2013 13:05 schrieb "Lukasz Sokol" <el.es...@gmail.com>:
> Please let me know your thoughts :)

I personally would prefer if such protocol implementations are
independant of the socket classes used so I can use it with FPC's
sockets, lNet, Synapse or whatever.

Basically this would need a abstract class which is called by the
protocol implementation and is implemented for each "socket" class.
And also methods inside the protocol
implementation that can be called by the "socket" class.


Hence my suggestion for a separate class to handle transport.

Ah, now I found the sentence where you mentioned this :)


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