On Tue, 01 Oct 2013 10:01:55 +0200
Michael Schnell <mschn...@lumino.de> wrote:

> On 09/30/2013 05:38 PM, Dennis Poon wrote:
> > It is faster on Linux but still way slower than Delphi 5 on windows.
> Allowing for multi-Arch, multi-OS, multi-GUI-infrastructure, 
> cross-development etc does not come completely for free....

Multi-GUI has nothing to do with the compiler.

You can add multi-syntax modes. FPC can eat more than Delphi. :)

You can speed up compilation by cleaning up your uses clauses.
Lazarus has a tool for this:
Source / Refactoring / Unused units

And you can find out what units add most to the executable. See here:

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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