Am 27.01.2014 13:10 schrieb "Michael Van Canneyt" <>:
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2014, hinst wrote:
>> More compiler modes = more complexity = more difficulties for people who
>> support & develop FPC Over time FPC and Delphi modes are becoming
>> increasingly incompatible.  I predict that sooner or later FPC developers
>> will have to drop Delphi mode support because FPC & Delphi modes will
>> become just too different to be built in one compiler.  Maybe we will
>> two compilers: FreeDelphi and FreePascal.  Note that Embarcadero
>> introduces more and more new features to their product.  FPC already
>> support many of them.  For example, string in Delphi 2009 and later is
>> double-byte string; char is widechar.  In FPC Char is still 1-byte char
>> even in Delphi mode.  What I think will happen is that at some point FPC
>> will no longer be able to add more new Delphi features support to Delphi
>> mode like it already happened with string=widestring, so Delphi mode in
>> FPC will always mean Delphi 2007 and earlier.
> We will add string=widestring in the next (or next+1) trunk release.

Nitpicking: it's String=UnicodeString. WideString is at least on Windows
systems something different...

> What else is missing ? Only anonymous functions, to my knowledge.

Extended RTTI, generic methods (and depending on who you ask: ARC for

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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