> From: hinsta...@yandex.ru
> To: fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org
> Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2014 15:31:00 +0400
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] fp universal library ?
> 02.02.2014, 02:45, "Fred van Stappen" <fi...@hotmail.com>:
> >> > Yep, thanks Michael.
> >> >
> >> > Hum, may i export dynamic array ?
> >>
> >> No, you'll need to export these as (typed) pointers and a count.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Sven
> >
> > Re-Aaaaargh, ok, (and i understand now why the library-examples are so 
> > simple :-) ).
> >
> > Many thanks for that brilliant explanations.
> >
> > Ok, so i have to re-consider all the unit and forget the oop way and 
> > re-write more procedural (Yes/No ?).
> I think it should be layered. I tried to visualize the idea; take a look plz
> http://s17.postimg.org/oc24gbc27/Untitled_Diagram.png
> One should not write all units in procedural style to make library accessible 
> from other languages. A better approach is to create API layers. For example 
> to make FPC library accessible from Java and C# consider creating the 
> following layers:
> FPC Library core <-> FPC Library procedural layer
> Procedural layer to Java OO
> Procedural layer to C#
> it should be like first API descends from OO level with FPC objects to 
> procedural layer to make it accessible from java, then there should be java 
> layer which "converts" it back from procedural flattened level to OO level 
> with Java objects.
> AFAIK some libraries are designed like this. 
> To further generalize the idea, consider this scheme:
> Language A OO <-> Language A proc. <-> dynamic lib <-> Language B proc. <-> 
> Language B OO
> So the point is: of course you should NOT rewrite ALL units. Create a 
> procedural bridge instead and then bridges for other languages like I tried 
> to explain
> Of course choosing the right approach for this task it is up to you because 
> no one knows your library better than you

Hello Hinstance and many thanks for advices.

What i will do is, like you said, not try to transform the actual working unit 
into a library but create a new file ( like the header file in c ) and in uses 
add the working unit. And that header file will be the "library" file with link 
to the working unit, with simple function-procedure...

I will give you news later.


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