Am 2014-02-08 17:05, schrieb Florian Klaempfl:
> Here:
> var MyArray : array of longint;
> begin
>   writeln(low(MyArray));
>   writeln(high(MyArray));
> end.
> prints
> 0
> -1

I was under the impression that both give back zero.
But you are right.
A closer look showed that the error I got for arrays of zero length
came from the fact that I used a Cardinal type variable for the for-loop:

var i : Cardinal;

for i := Low(MyArray) to High(MyArray) do ...

which raises an exception when the array is empty
but works ok in all other cases.
Thanks for pointing me to my fault.

> Unfortunatly you posted not a complete example which shows the behaviour but 
only uncompilable code snippts.
> Post always complete examples when discussing strange behaviour.

You mean I should post thousands of code lines?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

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