On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Lukasz Sokol wrote:

On 17/02/14 06:02, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

Am 2014-02-16 17:16, schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
It does exactly that, it says:
1) No COW

As said already: SetLength *is* a write!

I'm not of compiler background - but I think you're confusing things here.

To 'write' usually means : changing DATA element(s). That's it. You have a 
sheet of paper of
known size and you write on it/erase/change the text. But the size of the array 
remains the same.

SetLength is /not/ a write in this sense : because you're resizing the paper 
going to write on (e.g. adding another page or cutting it to size)

As far I understood, SetLength is changing the /description/ of the array 
(meta-data?) but not the data itself :
in this sense, it is not a 'write data' operation.

It does 'write' as in: change parameters - of the array DESCRIPTION area, but 
that area is not ARRAY DATA;
and enlarging/shrinking the memory allocation - but that does not change the 
content of the already
written-to array elements: it may add some blank ones or remove some written-to 
ones, but the rest
remains UNCHANGED, i.e. they (the just-added or remaining-after-removal ones) 
are not being written-to
by doing SetLength.)

That is the long version of what I was trying to say. Thank you :)

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