On 23/04/14 13:20, Chriss Kalogeropoulos wrote:
Hello everyone,

a couple years ago i tried the same thing. The task was to implement a JavaPOS driver handler from Delphi/FPC code. The actual driver was implemented in C++ and it used a Java interface. My code was the glue between the application (Delphi/FPC) and the driver, it had to hook the events and call the appropriate methods for printing etc (it was a POS printer driver).

I found that the only way to hook a native implemented listener to the java class was either to write a small piece of code in java to do the dispatching to my code OR use dynamic compilation to create the Java byte code. Basically i had to write the java code inside my dll (in a constact string) and pass this to the Java compiler to create the byte code in memory. This needed a lot of work and i dropped it since the actual java code was less than 30 lines and it was very generic, so it was not worth the effort.
Check this

This needs Java 6 (which was not an option in my case, i had to use older versions). It might help you. Also it needs to store the source files locally otherwise more dynamic class generation will be needed.
The link above has the info you need.

If the java code is static, why would one need dynamic compilation?

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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